Welcome to TiddlyWiki created by Jeremy Ruston; Copyright © 2004-2007 Jeremy Ruston, Copyright © 2007-2011 UnaMesa Association
An Action is created as follows:
Multiple Actions is allowed when a rule is triggered and they can be set as follows:
[img[Action Editor|images/usermanual/actioneditor.jpeg]]
Note: An Action can custom generate an event if desired, a total of 20 custom events is permitted. Once a “custom event” is selected you can then re-name the “custom event” as needed under Maintenance - Events. As this “custom event” is seen as any other event in MZone, you are able to set the Alert level as required.
Alerts are simply events that have been received by MZone and have been marked as such. This enables operators to focus quickly on critical events that require urgent attention, typical events that are marked as alerts are, Panic buttons, stolen vehicle etc. Alerts in Inbox are displayed as follows:
[img[Inbox Alerts|images/usermanual/inboxalerts.png]]
Use the search option to view the Alerts
[img[Inbox Alerts Search|images/usermanual/inboxalertssearch.png]]
Processing an alert can be done as follows:
[img[Alert Process|images/usermanual/inboxalertprocess.png]]
Alerts can also be edited/processed individually as follows:
[img[Alert Editor|images/usermanual/inboxalerteditor.png]]
This is the final step in the Rules Engine creation process whereby the Rule and Action created is linked with a Vehicle Group. This is done as follows:
[img[Assignment Editor|images/usermanual/assignmenteditor.jpeg]]
The Assignments Overview section allows you to view all current assignments including the defaults that are in place for MRM. Points 1 – 5 below indicates the sections in which the assignments are made.
[img[Assignment Overview|images/usermanual/assignmentoverview.jpeg]]
Background: #f2f2f2
Foreground: #000
PrimaryPale: #e7f0d1
PrimaryLight: #cad8a7
PrimaryMid: #8eb131
PrimaryDark: #628a43
SecondaryPale: #ffc
SecondaryLight: #fe8
SecondaryMid: #db4
SecondaryDark: #841
TertiaryPale: #eee
TertiaryLight: #ccc
TertiaryMid: #999
TertiaryDark: #666
Error: #f88
Our new default screen that is shown once logged onto MZone. The overview provided herein gives the user an easily customizable general overview of their fleet to 5 specific components namely:
[img[New MZone Dashboard|images/quickstart/dashboard.png]]
#(Blue) this is one area of the Dashboard Sub-Menu Navigation where on the left, you can:
**login as any user within your User group [Impersonate User]
**Perform various administrative functions [Administration]
**Accident Reconstruction module for MZone [Accident Reconstruction].
#(Yellow) Dashboard Customization
**you can choose what to see on your dashboard [Customize Dashboard]
**Refresh your dashboard to see more current statistics by clicking [Refresh Dashboard]
**Note: the Dashboard does not automatically refresh itself.
#(Green) Provides you with Statistical Data about your fleet, mainly counts and averages regarding some of MZone's entities (Vehicles, Drivers, Alerts et cetera). The statistics chosen for display in this area of the Dashboard are completely customizable by accessing the "Customize Dashboard" sub-menu in (2). You can select what statistics you want to see and the date range the values displayed for each statistic.
#(Orange) The side panel gives you quick access to the 3 MZone functions that you most utilize. The Quick Links in this panel can be changed by again accessing the "Customize Dashboard" menu in (2).
#(Red) This area of the Dashboard provides the user a combination of Statistical, Graph, Report and List data for the fleet in your user group. It provides a detailed overview of the user group's fleet operations.
[[MZone Introduction]]
[[MZone - Next Generation]]
[[Release Notes]]
When deleting Places that have many associated events (Place Vehicle Entry/Exit events), you may encounter an error “Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.”
This is due to the fact that the ~MZone system may not be able to delete a high number of associated records in a reasonable amount of time, therefore the transaction is undone.
A workaround for this problem is available. Follow these steps:
# Create a new, uniquely named Place Group, for example, „Delete Places”. The exact name of the Place Group is not important, but it must be unique and should be easily recognizable. Refer to the [[example|images/KB/DeletePlacesPlaceGroupCreate.png]]
# Contact Scope Support and give the following details:
## The name of the Place Group created in step 1
## User Group name
# Put Places you need to delete in the Place Group created in step 1. Refer to the [[example|images/KB/DeletePlacesAssociatePlaces.png]]
## Open the Place Group (Maintenance → Places → Place Groups → Edit)
## Open the Places tab
## Select the Places to be deleted
## Save changes
Once Scope Support processes your request, any Place in the Place Group will be automatically deleted.
Note that a Place may be associated with a Customer, Depot and Depot Area. If a Place is associated with any Customer, Depot or Depot Area, it will not be deleted. A Place may also be associated with Scheduled Reports – when deleting places with this method, the associated Scheduled Reports will also be deleted.
All drivers must belong to a Driver Group these groups are then managed by security groups to ensure only the correct users on the MZone platform is able to view the selected drivers. For more information on Security groups and its setup please refer to Part III of the MZone manual. The Driver Group maintenance screen is shown as follows:
[img[Driver Groups|images/usermanual/drivergroups.jpeg]]
[img[Driver Group Editor|images/usermanual/drivergroupeditor.jpeg]]
The rating profile allows basic rating of drivers based on the exceptions they have generated such as speed, Harsh Braking etc. The rating is done in a percentage from where 100% being the best and 0% being the worst. These profiles are then utilized against a driver or a group of drivers where they can be ranked from best to worst. The profile maintenance screen is shown as follows:
[img[Driver Rating Profiles|images/usermanual/driverratingprofiles.jpeg]]
Adding a new rating profile can be done by clicking on the “Add Rating Profile” button as shown above.
[img[Driver Rating Profile Editor|images/usermanual/driverratingprofileditor.jpeg]]
Once a rating profile has been created, our driver reports offer a range of rating reports based on the rating profiles that you have created. Please view the reports section below on specific reports that can be drawn.
Driver Statuses indicates whether drivers are available, the status currently is only for MRM, if you are not using this then there no need for setting this section up. In summary if drivers are not available for whatever reason (Leave, Maternity leave, etc.) then those drivers are not considered for MRM as an available resource.
[img[Driver Statuses|images/usermanual/driverstatuses.jpeg]]
[img[Driver Status Editor|images/usermanual/driverstatuseditor.jpeg]]
Driver time profiles can be associated on a per driver basis, this time profile indicates the driver’s working/non-working hours. This profile is again being utilized by our MRM module only at this stage, if you are not using MRM then there is no need to set this up. For more information on our MRM module please view our MRM manual for further details.
The driver time profiles are shown as follows on the maintenance screen.
[img[Driver Time Profiles|images/usermanual/drivertimeprofiles.jpeg]]
Adding a new time profile can be done by clicking on the “Add Driver Time Profile” button as shown above.
[img[Driver Time Profile Editor|images/usermanual/drivertimeprofileeditor.jpeg]]
Each driver that is added onto the MZone platform requires a unique driver key code to be associated. This Driver key code is coded on each dallas key in which each driver will carry. The key code is entered in the driver editor that follows along with all driver related information.
To add a new driver click on the “Add Driver” button as shown above, the editor is then completed as shown below.
[img[Driver Editor|images/usermanual/drivereditor.jpeg]]
[img[Driver Editor|images/usermanual/drivereditorcontacts.jpeg]]
[img[Driver Editor|images/usermanual/drivereditorsettings.jpeg]]
[img[Driver Editor|images/usermanual/drivereditorgroups.jpeg]]
In Part V of the MZone 5 Manual we will focus on Driver related features as well as the miscellaneous section. We will also show you how they are setup on our platform together with the reports that are available for these two types of entities. Please note Drivers are used in conjunction with driver keys please ensure this is available before setting this up on MZone.
In Workspace the drivers section is shown as follows:
[img[Driver Workspace|images/usermanual/driverworkspace.jpeg]]
All Drivers can be plotted directly on workspace by selecting the driver and clicking on plot “selected”
[img[Driver Plot|images/usermanual/driverplot.jpeg]]
*[[Drivers|Drivers [User Manual] ]]
*[[Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous[User Manual] ]]
*[[Reports|Reports [User Manual Drivers & Misc] ]]
*[[FAQ|FAQ [User Manual Drivers & Misc] ]]
*[[Driver|Driver [User Manual] ]]
*[[Driver Group|Driver Group [User Manual] ]]
*[[Driver Status|Driver Status [User Manual] ]]
*[[Driver Rating Profile|Driver Rating Profile [User Manual] ]]
*[[Driver Time Profile|Driver Time Profile [User Manual] ]]
MZone 5 introduces a new feature - Map can be opened in a separate browser window which can be handy with dual monitors.
When Map is opened outside MZone 5 it duplicates all the map related actions like plotting and active tracking. Visible elements can be chosen on each map separately. Embedded map can be minimized, expanding the space for data.
To duplicate the map there is a button in Workspace or MRM in Map Entity window. Once pressed it will disappear until duplicating map is closed.
MZone 5 only allows to have one duplicated map. It is bound to Mzone 5 instance from which it was opened. When MZone 5 is closed, duplicating map will also close.
Video demonstrating the ability to duplicate the Map outside MZone 5:
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span></div>
To get started, there are two main entities that you may need to setup - Vehicles & Places. Once your units start reporting to MProfiler, they will become available for addition on MZone as new vehicles. This can be done directly from Workspace as shown in Red below:
A new window will pop up where you can enter the unit ID of the unit you would like to add as a new vehicle. Entering the first few letters or numbers of the Unit ID will auto-populate a dropdown list with the unit ID as entered.
[img[Adding a Vehicle|images/quickstart/vehicleadd.png]]
Once you have selected the Unit ID (image above), click "Continue" which will take you to the following screen (image below).
In the following screen 3 fields with asterisks (*) are essential - Description; Vehicle Type and Registration. Provide a unique description of the vehicle the unit is installed in; select an appropriate Vehicle Type and provide the Registration or Identity Number for that vehicle.
Once saved, your new vehicle is ready for viewing in Workspace.
[img[Vehicle Editor|images/quickstart/vehicleedit.png]]
To see your New Vehicle, simply click the Vehicles Tab under Workspace and select the Vehicle Group that contains your vehicle. You can then click on the vehicle in the Workspace grid and further click Events or Trips, or any other submenu item as needed.
[img[Vehicle section|images/quickstart/vehiclestab.png]]
Places on MZone 5 allow you to map out a designated Area/POI on a map. This enables the user to monitor all activities inside/outside the designated Area/POI.
[img[Places section|images/quickstart/placestab.png]]
Event Type Group allows the grouping of a user selection of events, having created this; the grouping will be used throughout the MZone 5 platform. Such uses of Event Type Groups includes, filtering and reporting customizations. Adding a new group can be done as follows:
[img[Event Type Group Editor|images/usermanual/eventtypegroupeditor.png]]
[img[Event Type Group Editor|images/usermanual/eventtypegroupeditortypes.png]]
In event types, all events that can edited as shown below, by selecting the event in question you are able to customize that specific event when it is received on MZone.
[img[Event Types|images/usermanual/eventtypes.png]]
Once the event editor is open you would set it up as follows:
Low Alert - This will mark the alert in the alerts table for reporting purposes, no additional notification is provided.
High Alert - This will mark the alert in the alerts table for reporting purposes and will pop up on MZone as an audible alert.
[img[Event Type Editor|images/usermanual/eventtypeeditor.png]]
All events received on MZone 5 can be edited and set as High/Low Alerts. Editing events in this section will apply to all vehicles within the user group.
*[[Event Type|Event Type [User Manual] ]]
*[[Event Type Group|Event Type Group [User Manual] ]]
Exchange accounts are MProfiler client accounts; MZone retrieves all MHub data via Exchange accounts. This again is an Administrative function and should only be modified by Group Administrators.
[img[Exchange Account Editor|images/usermanual/exchangeaccounts.jpeg]]
#Why do I need Silverlight?
**MZone 5 is built on Microsoft Silverlight, very much alike to Adobe flash that is required for other certain websites. This is a once off install and normally included as part of Microsoft updates. If prompted just follow the link and install.
#What is the minimum internet connection speed required for MZone?
**It is suggested that at least a 3G connection is sufficient for running MZone 5, however whenever available a 1MB line is desired.
#Do I need a separate account when accessing the DriveProfiler App from my mobile?
**No, the same login can be used for both the MZone 5 web platform as well as our DriveProfiler Mobile Application.
#I have added my unit ID to MProfiler and routed it correctly, but I don’t see the Unit ID when I add a new vehicle, why?
**First, ensure the unit is online and reporting data to our MProfiler server. You are only able to add Vehicles into the MZone 5 platform only once data is received by our MProfiler. Once the data is received it can take up to 30 minutes before it is reflected on MZone 5 for adding. Once added the unit will report in real-time or as configured.
#I have plotted my vehicle onto the map but it’s in middle of the ocean?
**When plotting an event, if the last received event of the vehicle does NOT have a valid Latitude or Longitude, then by default it will have Latitude & Longitude of 0. Therefore when plotting, it appears that the Vehicle is in the “middle of the ocean” because the latitude and longitude of 0 in the South Atlantic Ocean.
#Can I add a driver without specifying the driver Key Code?
**No, all drivers added to MZone requires a driver key code. If the code is not available then you can insert a random number. Once the correct code is obtained you can edit the driver again to correct it.
#I am seeing events on the MZone platform with driver descriptions listed as number, why?
**If the MHub units are setup for Driver Keys, the Driver Registered event will contain the driver key code. If this key code is not assigned then by default it will display the key code number on MZone. The easiest way to correct this is to add a driver and assign the key code to it. Once done, MZone will now display the driver name instead.
#If I delete a driver will all the driver information be lost?
**No, if a driver is deleted, you can simply re-add it back onto MZone. All remaining data will still be available on MZone. In general all data is available online for up to 6 months, older data is archived and retrieved back as requested.
#Even without using MRM can Time Profiles and Driver Statuses still be added?
**Most certainly, once created if MRM is to be used at a later stage then one can do so relatively quickly as the items have already been created.
#Changing of drivers, if a key has been assigned to a different driver can I change this on MZone?
**Yes, simply edit the driver and change the driver details as needed. Caution, it is better to assign the driver with a new key code instead as renaming an existing key code will have all prior data (previous driver) now being associated with the new driver which may yield incorrect driver rating results.
#The fuel batch feature, is there any additional costs involved in using this option?
**No, the Manual fuel entry feature is free to use and available as needed. Clients requiring fuel level however will have additional costs (monthly costs) as well we accessories that maybe required. Please contact your respective BDM for further details.
#What does the “Fuel” checkbox set in the vehicle editor?
**The checkbox is required if the Manual Fuel Entry feature is used. This checkbox specifies that the vehicle in question will be used for fuel consumption. Don’t forget to also specify the start date for fuel consumption reporting under the User Group Editor under the General tab.
#Can all software Geofences be downloaded onto any MHub device as well as all types of POI?
**Yes, all our MHub Devices can have Geofences downloaded. Only Places set as POI (not corridor shapes) can be downloaded as Areas are generally too large in Geographic coverage and therefore not allowed.
#What’s the difference between software Geofence and Hardware Geofence?
**Software Geofences are only saved on our MZone 5 platform where as a Hardware Geofence is loaded onto the MHub device itself, this enables further functions where triggers can be used to further customer specific requirements.
#POI can be categorized as an Area or POI, what’s the difference?
**The place can be set as either a POI or Area. POI’s are used when places a specific like a hospital, Petrol station etc. whereas the Area is normally much larger like a state or a province. Places saved as an Area will not show up in any location descriptions.
#Is it possible to have a vehicle or an entity belong to more than one group?
**Yes, vehicles as well as all entities can belong to more than one group. This enables creating multiple groups where selected vehicles are seen by various users who have access to do so.
#I can see all users on MZone can this be filtered out in security Groups?
**No, currently all users within the User Group as seen by all, however the function to disable and user modifications is allowed. Future deployments of MZone will have the ability to hide user details.
#I can see POI and Areas of other customers why?
**Currently all Place groups are seen by all users within the same user group. Security groups does not restrict this, however if this is needed then a new user group may be needed. Please contact your Group Administrator for further details.
#I cannot delete a user?
**Correct, currently no users can be deleted as audit trails will be implemented soon on MZone. If a user is no longer required we advise that the user credentials be changed.
#I have a user belonging to more than one role/security group which role or security group will apply?
**Users in multiple groups are permitted; our MZone platform will permit the user the maximum rights possible according to the roles assigned. For example role A does not allow plotting of vehicles whereas the Role B allows this, the resultant is that the user will be allowed to have any vehicle plotted onto the map.
#When I try and add a vehicle onto MZone, the vehicle editor does not show the unit ID I’m trying to add why?
**The unit ID field in the vehicle editor will auto populate only once data has been received from the unit. It is therefore important to ensure the unit is configured and routed correctly on our MProfiler. Once confirmed and data is being received on MProfiler (Vehicle data) then you can add the unit on MZone.
#I have added my unit ID to MProfiler and routed it correctly, but I still don’t see the Unit ID when I add a new vehicle, why?
**First, ensure the unit is online and reporting data to our MProfiler server. You are only able to add Vehicles into the MZone 5 platform only once data is received by our MProfiler. Once the data is received it can take up to 30 minutes before it is reflected on MZone 5 for adding. Once added the unit will report in real-time or as configured.
#I deleted my vehicle on MZone by mistake; does that mean I have lost all historical data?
**No, if a vehicle is deleted on MZone, it is visually removed from MZone and you can re-add the vehicle back onto MZone by going through the add vehicle editor. Re-added vehicles will have all of its historical data restored and nothing is lost.
#How far back is my vehicle data stored on MZone?
**On our MZone 5 platform all vehicle data is visible online for up to 6 months, data older than 6 months is archived. Archived data can be retrieved once a request is made. Please advise your local BDM for further details.
#I have plotted my vehicle onto the map but it’s in middle of the ocean?
**When plotting an event, if the last received event of the vehicle does NOT have a valid Latitude or Longitude, then by default it will have Latitude & Longitude of 0. Therefore when plotting, it appears that the Vehicle is in the “middle of the ocean” because the latitude and longitude of 0 in the South Atlantic Ocean.
In Part II of the MZone 5 Manual we will focus on Fuel and Places and how they are setup on our platform. We will also detail the reports that are available for these two types of entities. It is important to distinguish however that our Fuel offerings in particular that different fuel options may require an additional accessory/cost.
The fuel measurements that can be obtained are as follows:
*Fuel Level
*Fuel Consumption
Fuel Level
Fuel level is the measurement in a percentage form on how much fuel is left in the tank for e.g. 36%. The fuel level can be captured in 2 ways:
*OBDII or CANBus (our specific models are : MHub837 and MHub855)
*An Analogue Input (our specific models are : MHub855)
Fuel Consumption
Fuel Consumption is the measurement in L/100km etc. which on our MZone platform is able to either calculate or obtain directly from CANBus. This information can be captured in 2 ways:
*CANBus (our specific models are : MHub855)
*Manual entries (Not dependent on Model, all are supported)
Note: The fuel sections that follow are for obtaining Fuel Consumption using the fuel manual entry method only. For the other options please refer to their respective manuals.
*[[Fuel|Fuel [User Manual] ]]
*[[Places|Places [User Manual] ]]
*[[Reports|Reports [User Manual Fuel & Places] ]]
*[[FAQ|FAQ [User Manual Fuel & Places] ]]
The fuel batch groups the fuel entries for easy administration. They can be group according to month, Year, Fleet etc.
[img[Fuel Batch|images/usermanual/fuelentrybatch.png]]
When adding a new fuel entry, simply complete the fields as shown below.
[img[Fuel Entry Editor|images/usermanual/fuelentryeditor.png]]
Fuel entries added are listed as seen below, Entries added can be edited as required.
[img[Fuel Entries|images/usermanual/fuelentries.png]]
Our “DriveProfiler” application supports manual fuel entries, drivers with this app installed on his/her phone is then able to enter the fuel entries in real-time as shown in below.
[img[Fuel Entry Mobile|images/usermanual/fuelentryeditormobile.png]]
The DriveProfiler application is currently available for free download and is supported on iOS and Android platforms.
This application can be downloaded in the App Store or on the Play store respectively.
Search for an app called ‘DriveProfiler’.
Fuel entries, once added can be viewed on the mobile as well as various information as a result of the fuel entries.
[img[Fuel Entry Mobile|images/usermanual/fuelentriesmobile.png]]
[img[Fuel Entry Mobile|images/usermanual/fuelentriescostsmobile.png]]
[img[Fuel Entry Mobile|images/usermanual/fuelentriesdistancemobile.png]]
The Fuel Graphs under workspace details an overview of the fuel usages of a particular Vehicle Group as labeled 1 -4. You can view fuel usages for a particular Vehicle Group as labeled 5 below.
The print option is also available for management reporting.
[img[Fuel Workspace|images/usermanual/fuelworkspace.png]]
The Fuel section on MZone refers to the manual fuel entries in order to determine fuel consumption. This option requires the entering of petrol slips onto our platform where the total fuel and total cost is captured. This data, together with the distance travelled, we are able to calculate consumption values for the particular vehicle in question.
[img[Fuel Maintenance|images/usermanual/maintenancefuel.png]]
To utilize the Manual Fuel Entries, feature you will need to check the ‘Enable Fuel Reporting’ checkbox in the Vehicle editor under the settings tab.
[img[Enable Fuel Reporting|images/usermanual/fuelreporting.png]]
Next, you will also be required to specify the start date in the ‘Fuel Reporting Start Date’ field and this is done under User Group Editor under the General tab.
[img[Fuel Reporting Start|images/usermanual/fuelreportingstart.png]]
*[[Fuel Entry|Fuel Entry [User Manual] ]]
*[[Fuel Batch|Fuel Batch [User Manual] ]]
*[[Fuel Workspace|Fuel Workspace [User Manual] ]]
*[[Fuel Mobile|Fuel Mobile [User Manual] ]]
* [[Isolated Storage|Isolated Storage]]
All Places drawn on MZone are by default known as “Software Geofences”, by setting up Geofence types the option of sending the places directly to the MHub devices will now be possible and termed “Hardware Geofences”
Geofence types simply segregate the different types of Geofence to be downloaded on to the MHub device for further setup such as Triggers. Adding of Geofence types is shown below.
[img[Geofence Type Edit|images/usermanual/geofencetypeeditor.png]]
Once the Geofences have been successfully downloaded, you are then able to view specific entry and exits done by the vehicles under the Geofencing tab in Workspace as seen below.
[img[Geofence Workspace|images/usermanual/geofenceworkspace.png]]
Note: On the MHub device the Geofence features must be enabled and the events setup, please refer to the MHub Diagnostic Utility manual for further details on setting it up.
* [[General|General]]
* [[User Interface|User Interface]]
The inbox section on MZone now consolidates all alerts/notifications and messages into one section. This ensures central administration for operators to action any type of alerts that MZone receives.
*[[Alerts|Alerts [User Manual] ]]
*[[Notifications|Notifications [User Manual] ]]
*[[Messages|Messages [User Manual] ]]
Welcome to MZone 5 - the next generation of Scope Technology's series of MZone web applications. This version of MZone boasts a brand new User Interface with new and vastly improved Map Control; a brand new Accident Reconstruction Dashboard feature; as well as many 'under-the-hood' improvements and optimizations that elevate the user experience as well as accommodate clients' ever-increasing business requirements.
The new User Interface design is intended to optimize the menus and space on MZone making for an enhanced user experience. That, coupled with the smoother and more responsive map controls, makes the new MZone a pleasure to work with. The new Overview Dashboard, seen first upon entering MZone from the landing page, provides customizable statistics regarding your fleet that give you a general idea of the status of your vehicles. The simulation and documentation of vehicle accidents is now possible through the new Accident Reconstruction Dashboard available with this next generation of MZone. Business owners that make use of APIs can expect the new API with this version of MZone to add more robustness to the power of the MZone Platform.
* [[MZone 5 Features|MZone 5 Features [Quick Start] ]]
* [[Navigation Menus|Navigation Menus [Quick Start] ]]
MZone uses Isolated Storage which is provided by Silverlight to store user settings and translations.
Opening a new section of MZone means that new translations are being sent from server for that specific section. Then they are saved in Isolated Storage, so that next time user opens concrete section translations can be taken from Isolated Storage. By default the size of isolated storage is only 1MB and there can be a moment when it will run low of space. MZone will ask user to increase the available space to 10MB, doing so will increase the performance of the system.
This section contains articles on common issues in ~MZone.
* [[Deleting Places Results in a Timeout Error]]
''Why is the trip data in Daily Trip Event Detail report different from Vehicle Trip Overview report for the same vehicle and date range?''
Daily Trip Event Detail report is based on Daily Trip Summary events those events are sent only once per day and according to UTC date but Vehicle Trip Overview report is based on trips which are returned according to users local time zone.
[img[New MZone Login Page|images/MZone 2013-Next Generation.png]]
!!What’s coming?
The next generation of ~MZone has arrived, with a new UI, new Map Control, new Accident Reconstruction Dashboard, and many ~Under-The-Hood improvements and optimisations to accommodate clients growing business requirements.
!!What can a ~Day-To-Day User expect to see and experience?
• A new and enhanced User Experience with a freshly designed User Interface, and a brand new Map Control that is smoother, with improved responsiveness.
• A new Overview Dashboard giving Users an overview of their fleet operations.
• A new Accident Reconstruction Dashboard for simulating and documenting Vehicle Accidents.
!!What can Business owners expect?
• A new API (Application Programming Interface) providing the power of the ~MZone Platform
!!What to expect?
*[[A new MZone Login Page.|MZone - Next Generation - A new MZone Login Page]]
*[[A new User Impersonation Page.|MZone - Next Generation - A new User Impersonation Page]]
*[[The ability to effortlessly switch between MZone 4 and MZone 5.|MZone - Next Generation - The ability to effortlessly switch between ~MZone 4 and ~MZone 5]]
*[[A new User Interface.|MZone - Next Generation - A new User Interface]]
The Login Page presents the User with the choice of going into ~MZone 4 or ~MZone 5.
[img[New MZone Login Page|images/MZone2013-Login.Annotated.png]]
If the User has the right to impersonate other Users in ~MZone then the User is presented with the option to choose the User they would like to impersonate, or they can continue to login in as themselves.
[img[New MZone Login Impersonation Page|images/MZone2013-Login-Impersonation.Annotated.png]]
The new User Interface has been conceptualised from the ground up, however, a general ~MZone layout has been retained that will be familiar to existing ~MZone Users.
!!The Navigation Design
!!!The Main Navigation
The Main Navigation (First Level Navigation), Search, Settings, and Sign Out have been kept at the top of the User Interface.
*Familiar Main Navigation Screens are Maintenance, Workspace, and Reports
*New Main Navigation Screens are Dashboard and Inbox
[img[MZone Main Navigation|images/MZone2013-Workspace-PrimaryNavigation.Annotated.png]]
!!!The Second Level Navigation
The Second Level Navigation (~Sub-Menu) has been standardised as a horizontal menu for all screens.
[img[MZone Second Level Navigation|images/MZone2013-Maintenance-SecondaryNavigation.Annotated.png]]
!!!The Third Level Navigation
The Third Level Navigation has been standardised as a vertical menu for all screens.
[img[MZone Third Level Navigation|images/MZone2013-Maintenance-TertiaryNavigation.Annotated.png]]
!!The Dashboard
The Dashboard is a new Main Navigation Screen. The purpose of this screen is to provide a User with a customisable easy to interpret overview.
The Dashboard does not automatically refresh its data, and requires the User to refresh the data manually by clicking the Refresh Dashboard button.
The Dashboard comprises a number of elements:
*~Sub-Navigation – Users can do the following from the ~Sub-Navigation
**Switching between ~MZone 5 and ~MZone 4.
**Impersonating a User if the User has the ability to do it
**Accessing the Accident Reconstruction Dashboard if the User has access to it.
**Customising the Dashboard View
**Refreshing the Dashboard data
*Statistics – These are standalone statistics that are displayed at the top of the Dashboard
*List data – This is list data that usually shows time related information, for example:
**The ten most recent Alerts
*The ten most recent vehicles to have reported
**The ten most recent scheduled reports that were generated
*Graph data
*Quick action links for convenient access to the most common tasks a User performs
*Note/Notification information for release notes, and other system related notifications
[img[MZone Dashboard|images/MZone2013-Dashboard.Annotated.png]]
!!The Maintenance Screen
The Maintenance Screen is similar to the ~MZone 4 Maintenance Screen.
!!!Main differences from the ~MZone 4 UI
*Users that have access to Rules Engine will notice that the Rules configuration has been moved from the Main Navigation into the Maintenance Section in ~MZone 5.
[img[MZone Maintenance|images/MZone2013-Maintenance.Annotated.png]]
!!The Workspace
The Workspace has a familiar vertical split with grid data being displayed at the top and map data being displayed at the bottom.
!!!Main differences from the ~MZone 4 UI
*Dispatcher has been promoted from being a sub-feature of the Vehicles tab to being a ~Sub-Menu feature in ~MZone 5.
*The Messaging and Notifications tabs have been moved from the Workspace to the Inbox in ~MZone 5.
*The Location Finder has been moved from being a Map Control Navigation item to being a ~Sub-Menu feature in ~MZone 5.
*A new Map Control that is smoother when panning and zooming, more responsive, with sharper map images.
**The map control also supports Google Maps as a map image source
[img[MZone Workspace|images/MZone2013-Workspace.Annotated.png]]
!!The Inbox
The Inbox is a new Main Navigation Screen. The purpose of the Inbox is to consolidate Alerts, Notifications, and Messages in one place making it easier for Users to manage and respond to incoming Alert, Notification, and Messaging data.
[img[MZone Inbox|images/MZone2013-Inbox.png]]
!!The Reports Screen
The Reports Screen is similar to the ~MZone 4 Reports Screen. The reports in ~MZone 4 and ~MZone 5 are the same, to the extent that Reports that are Scheduled in ~MZone 4 are also Scheduled in ~MZone 5.
!!!Main differences from the ~MZone 4 UI
*Scheduled Reports can be edited in ~MZone 5
[img[MZone Reports|images/MZone2013-Reports.png]]
!!Where is the MRM (Mobile Resource Management) Screen?
MRM is not being published in this release of MZone. The MRM User Interface has been reconceptualised with the aim to transforming the User Experience of MRM making the existing MZone MRM features more user friendly and intuitive. These changes are not complete and MRM will be released in a future version of MZone.
We have gone to great lengths to ensure that ~MZone 4 and ~MZone 5 can be used interchangeably. Users can work in one version and seamlessly switch to the other version and continue working from where they left off. Work done in ~MZone 4 will be present in ~MZone 5, and work done in ~MZone 5 will be present in ~MZone 4.
[img[MZone Switching UIs|images/MZone2013-MZone4-SwitchingUIs.Annotated.png]]
The new login page provides the option to enter MZone 4 or MZone 5.
New Impersonation Facility – Once logged in, users with access to do so will have the option to choose an existing user they would like to impersonate (mostly used to assist with settings etc.) or simply continue to login as yourself.
[img[New MZone Login Page|images/quickstart/login.png]]
Seamless Switching between MZone 4 and MZone 5 is possible - Users will be able to interchange between MZone 4 and MZone 5, work done in MZone 5 will be visible in MZone 4. This option is mainly applicable for users who are familiar with our MZone 4 platform.
[img[Switch between MZone 5 and MZone 4|images/quickstart/switch.png]]
~MZone is a comprehensive, powerful Mobile Resource Management platform providing comprehensive management tools focused on the reduction of operational and maintenance costs, increased mobile asset utilisation, optimised planning and scheduling of job assignments and overall enhanced mobile resource safety.
The platform is browser based, presenting the operator with a multilingual, user friendly interface. The platform boasts incorporation of the latest technology tools, ensuring high performance, easy of use and an overall rewarding user experience.
Reports can be exported to many formats and scheduled to be generated and emailed automatically to designated users on a user defined periodical basis.
~MZone has been successfully deployed in fleets across many industries including utilities, logistics, pharmaceuticals, emergency response, and has consistently proved to be an invaluable and dynamic management tool.
[[Introduction|MZone Introduction]]
[[Next Generation|MZone - Next Generation]]
[[Quick Start]]
[[User Manual]]
[[Release Notes|Release Notes]]
[[Knowledge Base]]
To enlarge the visible map area to the maximum possible, click on the up arrow button on the screen divisor found in the middle of the screen. Please see the image below:
[img[Map area size|images/quickstart/mapcollapse.png]]
The Map controls are as follows:
[img[Map controls|images/quickstart/map.png]]
Messages is a 2 way communication between drivers and operator, with a PDA devices connected to the MHub unit, text based communication is possible via this interface. This feature is not available in all regions; please contact your local administrator for further information.
The miscellaneous section caters for all the items that do not have its own category. Currently there are 2 such categories namely, Time profiles and Translations.
*[[Time Profile|Time Profile [User Manual] ]]
*[[Translation|Translation [User Manual] ]]
Menus are modulated, level 1 accesses the main sections within our MZone 5 platform with Levels 2 & 3 being sub-categories for Level 1.
For example:
Level 1 - Horizontal Main Menu - Reports selected
Level 2 - Horizontal Sub-menu - List of sub-categories of reports are shown
Level 3 - Vertical Menu – The specific report for level 2 categories are shown
[img[New MZone Navigation|images/quickstart/navigation.png]]
Once the rules are triggered, the default notifications are shown as follows:
For quick view, notifications can be seen via the MZone Dashboard:
[img[Dashboard Notifications|images/usermanual/dashboardnotifications.jpeg]]
Under the Inbox section is where all notifications can be seen and administered.
''Notification Subscription''
All notifications need be subscribed to in order for the notification to be displayed to the user; the subscription is divided by entities as follows:
[img[Notification Subscriptions|images/usermanual/subscriptioneditor.jpeg]]
Notifications are similar to Alerts with the exception that they are not event based. Notifications are generated by MZone platform itself using the Rules Engine. Once a notification has been set, each and every user will need to “subscribe” to the notification in order to be able to be notification of such rules being violated.
Please view below on how to subscribe to notifications.
[img[Notification Subscription|images/usermanual/inboxnotificationsubscribe.png]]
Notifications are listed in Inbox or Archive and they are shown as follows:
[img[Inbox Notifications|images/usermanual/inboxnotifications.png]]
<div class='header' role='banner' macro='gradient vert [[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]'>
<div class='headerForeground'>
<img alt='Logo' src='Images/logo.gif' />
<span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>
<span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
<div id='mainMenu' role='navigation' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
<div id='sidebar'>
<div id='sidebarOptions' role='navigation' refresh='content' tiddler='SideBarOptions'></div>
<div id='sidebarTabs' role='complementary' refresh='content' force='true' tiddler='SideBarTabs'></div>
<div id='displayArea' role='main'>
<div id='messageArea'></div>
<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>
As with any entity on MZone all places must belong to a group for administration purposes.
[img[Place Group Editor|images/usermanual/placegroupeditor.png]]
Under the place tab in workspace, you are able to view all places created as well as setting up places to be downloaded as Geofences to the MHub unit.
[img[Workspace Places|images/usermanual/placeworkspaceplaces.png]]
In the place the details of the places can be seen as shown below.
[img[Workspace Places|images/usermanual/placestab.png]]
All Geofence setup is done and administered in the Assignment and Geofence tab.
[img[Workspace Assignments|images/usermanual/assignmentstab.png]]
When adding a new assignment, the editor can be setup as follows:
[img[Workspace Assignment Editor|images/usermanual/assignmenteditor.png]]
The selection of a Place or a Vehicle group will determine how the assignment is to proceed. The assignment pairs a vehicle group with a Place group, once this paring is complete the downloading of these places as geofences will proceed.
Note that more than one Place Group can be assigned to a vehicle group and vice versa, therefore the need to have the Vehicle Group button if this option is needed.
You are able to view/search for the status of the Geofence download as shown in points 1 & 2 below. In point 3 below you are able to view the paring of their respective Place and Vehicle group and delete them where they are no longer needed.
[img[Workspace Geofences|images/usermanual/geofencestab.png]]
Points 4 & 5 allow you to search for Places that are set as Geofences.
When adding a new place, simply complete the editor as shown below.
[img[Place Editor|images/usermanual/placeeditor.png]]
The place can be set as either a POI or Area. POI’s are used when places a specific like a hospital, Petrol station etc. whereas the Area is normally much larger like a state or a province. Places saved as an Area will not show up in any location descriptions.
[img[Place Editor|images/usermanual/placeeditorgroups.png]]
Drawing of the actual places is done using the shape icons as shown below. 4 different shapes are currently supported and drawn using the mouse in a click and double clicking action to complete.
[img[Place Editor|images/usermanual/placeeditormap.png]]
As mentioned in the MZone Quick start guide, places on MZone 5 allow you to map out a designated Area/POI on a map. This enables the user to monitor all vehicle activities inside/outside the designated Area/POI.
[img[Place Workspace|images/usermanual/placeworkspace.png]]
*[[Place|Place [User Manual] ]]
*[[Place Group|Place Group [User Manual] ]]
*[[Geofence Type|Geofence Type [User Manual] ]]
*[[Vehicle Geofence Status|Vehicle Geofence Status [User Manual] ]]
*[[Place Workspace|Place Workspace [User Manual] ]]
*[[Geofence Workspace|Geofence Workspace [User Manual] ]]
''Plotting an Event''
In Workspace under vehicles, select the vehicle you want plotted (hold down Ctrl to select multiple vehicle) and click on the Plot “Selected” button as shown below, alternatively click on Plot “All Items” to view all vehicles within the Vehicle Group selected.
[img[Plotting an Event|images/quickstart/plotevent.png]]
''Plotting a trip''
Starting as indicated in Green below, select the trip after the search criteria has returned the results, again hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple trips and click on the Plot “Selected” button as seen below.
[img[Plotting a Trip|images/quickstart/plottrip.png]]
*[[Introduction|Introduction [Quick Start] ]]
*[[Dashboard|Dashboard [Quick Start] ]]
*[[Workspace|Workspace [Quick Start] ]]
*[[Reports|Reports [Quick Start] ]]
*[[FAQ|FAQ [Quick Start] ]]
Quick Start Guide is also available in PDF and Microsoft Word formats:
*PDF at http://sdrv.ms/15WZOoN
*Word at http://sdrv.ms/15WZQ02
* [[MZone 5.0.0 (2013-12-15)|Release Notes - 5.0.0]]
* [[MZone Next Generation (4.8.0 - 2012-06-05)|Release Notes - 4.8.0]]
* [[MZone 4.7.1 (2012-06-05)|Release Notes - 4.7.1]]
* [[MZone 4.7.0 (2012-04-13)|Release Notes - 4.7.0]]
* [[MZone 4.6.3 (2011-11-05)|Release Notes - 4.6.3]]
!!Version 4.6.3 (2011-11-05)
!!!!Data Maintenance
*Extended support for Mhub Event Input and Output status's
!!!Bug Fixes
*Fixed unhandled exceptions when trying to perform an action on a plotted alert.
*Fixed ~MZone Alert inconsistencies, and standardized the user experience of Alerts.
**Represented Alert time consistently through out ~MZone, by showing the time of the Event that triggered the Alert.
**Clean up the Alert editor a bit, changing spacing etc.
**Made an Alert's details viewable even after it has been processed.
**Decluttered the Alert grids and editors by removing obsolete and/or irrelevant data , for example Geofence Description, Alert Type, Notes.
**Made the Alert experience more realtime by refreshing Alert statuses in response to client action as well as at regular intervals.
*Fixed high Alerts Pop up not clearing when a user Actions them.
*Fixed the inconsistency, where the Alert grid shows up to the last 12 hours of Alerts, but alows the user to try to search for the last month's Alerts.
!!!!Data Maintenance
*Fixed Rules ~Engine-Vehicle Group Editor where on adding or deleteing Security Assignments on the Rules Tab resulted in the previously saved values not being displayed.
!!!!Home Page
*Changed the styling of the charts on the Home Page to be more legible when there is lots of data to display.
!!!!Maps and Mapping
*Fixed Dispatcher where the incorrect icon what being displayed for plotted vehicles.
*Fixed regionalisation issue in the map, where using a comma when setting the width of corridors with certain regions resulted in the value being misinterpreted.
*Fixed the plotting of geofences and entry points, where no all items were plotted.
!!!!MRM (Mobile Resource Management)
*Fixed the unhandled exception what a user opens the MRM Gant chart and the Job Grid was not loaded completely.
*Fixed unhandled exception when assigning a Job to a Vehicle when the Vehicle has completed Jobs for a day.
*Fixed the Job timing issue when using the Job Scheduler to Schedule Jobs.
*Fixed the issue where the ~Auto-Scheduler doesn't Schedule Jobs when a Driver is set.
*Fixed an unhandled exception when a user opens the MRM Gant chart.
!!!!Polling Vehicles
*Changed the Polling result grid to refresh immediately after a Vehicle is Polled.
*Fixed the divide by zero exception thrown on the Fuel Consumption Detail (Pulse Event) report.
*Fixed the error when Scheduling reports with a Show Chart option (i.e. Fuel Consumption Summary (pulse event) and Fuel Consumption Trend (pulse event)).
*Fixed the Fuel Level Data report to show the Fuel Levels as percentages.
*Fixed the Daily Trip Event Summary report which was not showing data.
*Fixed the scheduling of the Daily Tachograph report.
*Fixed the report scheduling interface, where the recipient email field obscured email addresses when entering multiple recipient email addresses.
*Standardised the description of Locations in ~MZone reports and Workspace grids.
*Made the titles of Scheduled Reports translatable. A Scheduled Report title will be translated in the language of the user at the time of scheduling.
*Fixed data differences between the scheduled and non-scheduled Vehicle Event Detail reports for the same date period.
*Fixed a data access bug in the Vehicle Group Speeding Report regarding Driver information.
*Standardised the translation of Favourite Vehicle Groups in reports and the user interface.
!!Version 4.7.0 (2012-04-13)
!!!!Report Scheduler
*The Report Scheduling engine has been rewritten.
!!!!Rules Engine
*The Job Updating Engine of Rules Engine has been optimised for faster event processing and more timeous Rules triggers.
*The Notifications Engine of Rules Engine has been rewritten to iron out a number of issues, including adding Location Descriptions, displaying the correct times, and fixing some logic issues resulting in Notification spamming.
!!!Bug Fixes
*Fixed plotting of alerts.
*Fixed the number of Alerts to process displayed in the Alerts Grid.
!!!!Data Maintenance
*Added a title to the Customer Address Editor
*Added the Other Jobs Grid to the refresh functionality of the Job Editor
*Changed the deletion of Depots to prevent a user from deleting a Deport with Jobs assigned to it
*Changed the Driver editor to only allow phone numbers shorted than 20 numbers
*Changed the maximum length of a Vehicle Registration number to 20 characters
*Created a User Friendly message to be displayed when a User tries to delete an Event Type Group that is used in a Rule.
*Fixed an error that occasionally occurred when a editing a Vehicle that does not have a Custom image
*Fixed an exception when removing a Driver Time Profile that is assigned to Drivers
*Fixed an unexpected error that occasionally occurs when updating and Event Type
*Fixed bug in the Vehicle and Customer Editors when uploading custom images for Vehicles and Customers
*Fixed error when plotting places on the Workspace Places tab
*Fixed the click through from Driver Maintenance to the Driver in the Workspace grid.
*Fixed the driver editor when saving a Driver without an End Date
*Fixed the editing of User Group logo images which occasionally caused the User Interface to freeze
*Limited the size of the number of loading units in the Job Editor to 11 numbers
*Prevent users from having Vehicles that are not in any Vehicle Groups
*Users can now remove Vehicles from the Favourite Vehicles Group in the Vehicle Group Editor
*Changed the search by latitude and longitude in Dispatcher to use the values entered by the User
*Fixed Dispatcher when a vehicle is found by selecting a position on the map
!!!!Error Reporting
*Fixed the Error Reporting process
!!!!Facilities Management
*Fixed the updating of Outputs Status's in Facilities Management, which were not updating
!!!!Maps and Mapping
*Changed the Geofence Type maintenance so that users cannot create Geofence Types that are reserved for internal use
*Fixed an unhandled exception that occurs occasionally when plotting a Trip
*Fixed Rules Engine Notifications being generated with missing start times.
*Fixed an exception when adding a Message Template with a Description longer than 256 characters.
*Fixed the Messaging Outbox or Messaging Sent items functionality in Messaging.
*Fixed the reporting of the counts of read and unread messages in the Messaging Inbox
*Fixed the translation of the header of the message that is displayed when deleting a Message
!!!!MRM (Mobile Resource Management)
*Added vertical scrollbars to the Unscheduled Jobs, Depots, and Drivers Lists in MRM
*Changed the behaviour of the Job Resource Scheduler to not warn about Jobs that are completed or whose planned departure time has past. These jobs are left unchanged and new jobs are planned after the existing ones.
*Changed the time format in the MRM Dashboard to 24 Hour format
*Disabled the Actions dropdown menu when in the Resource Scheduler
*Fixed a bug where a Job would occasionally not complete automatically in MRM
*Fixed an error that occurred occasionally when going into the MRM Workspace
*Fixed an error that occurred when a user clicked the next button under the grid, where the user was prompted to "Please select a country"
*Fixed an unexpected error the occurred occasionally while displaying the Gant Chart in MRM
*Fixed an unexpected exception that occurred occasionally when assigning a Job to a Vehicle
*Fixed an unexpected exception that occurred when the MRM Gant Chart was opened before the Job Grid had completed loading
*Fixed and unexpected exception which occurred while Saving an MRM Assignment without and Action
*Fixed the Auto Scheduler of MRM which worked inconsistently when a Driver Resource was selected
*Fixed the infinite loading of the MRM Gant chart after saving Job Scheduling
*Fixed the Job progress indication (colour changing) in the Gant Chart of MRM
*Fixed the Job time differences that occurred when
*Fixed the transition between MRM Workspace and Dashboard tabs in MRM.
*Fixed a bug in the Security Notification generation system which resulted in duplicate Security Notifications being generated
*Fixed an issue where Notifications where being generated multiple times when a vehicle had not arrived at a Customer or Depot
*Fixed formatting inconsistencies in Notifications when special symbols (<&) are used
*Fixed the binding of Notifications to the Notification Grid
!!!!Place Maintenance
*Fixed an unhandled exception that occurs occasionally when moving to the Places screen
*Changed the selection of Driver Groups and Drivers in the Driver Reports to accommodate User Groups with large numbers of Drivers.
*Changed time format from 12 hour to 24 hour.
*Fixed an error that occurs when a user enters a decimal value for the "km" field when drawing the Distance Exception Report
*Fixed scheduled reports which returned the same data for every schedule.
*Fixed the Driver Event Report which was displaying duplicate events under certain circumstances
*Fixed the Fuel consumption Detail (Pulse Event) Report which was incorrectly displaying the Fuel Usage
*Fixed the number of pages reflected at the bottom of the Scheduled Reports grid
*Fixed the report date period for the Driver Exception Detail report which was incorrect when the report was scheduled.
*Fixed the report date period for the Driver Rating report which was incorrect when the report was scheduled.
*Fixed the report date period for the Driver Rating Summary report which was incorrect when the report was scheduled.
*Fixed the report date period for the Driver Rating Trend report which was incorrect when the report was scheduled.
*Fixed the report date period for the Job Analysis report which was incorrect when the report was scheduled.
*Fixed the report date period for the Task Summary report which was incorrect when the report was scheduled.
*Fixed translation of the Vehicle Management Report with specific reference to Spanish.
!!!!Rules Engine
*Fixed Rules Engine Notifications that were being generated with "?" for the Location Descriptions.
!!!!Web Application
Fixed an issue where an authenticated session expires after User inactivity in ~MZone
*Resolved an issue where under certain circumstances duplicate driver entries were being displayed in the Driver Grid in Workspace
!!!!Service Caching
*Fixed data caching issues when a user is using Internet Explorer 9
!!Version 4.7.1 (2012-06-05)
!!!!Vehicle Maintenance
*Added the concept of Engine Running Hours to ~MZone. Engine Running Hours is the total number of Hours an Engine has been running for, which is similar to Odometer, but instead of distance it reports time.
**Engine Running Hours is a more meaningful metric for determining Maintenance Intervals for certain types of Machinery that do not move great distances but might operate for long hours, for example Earth Moving Equipment.
*Added Vehicle Maintenance notifications for Odometer.
*Added Vehicle Maintenance notifications for Engine Running Hours.
*Added reporting of Vehicle Maintenance by Odometer and Engine Running Hours.
!!!Bug Fixes
!!!!Report Scheduler
*Roled up a number of Report Scheduler patches into this release.
!!!!~MZone API
*Roled up a number of ~MZone API patches into this release.
*Fixed the Vehicle Maintenance report to display the Vehicle Maintenance status's correctly.
!!Release of MZone 5 and MRM.
*BI platform integrated and first BI reports available
*DTC reporting for vehicles enabled
*Various performance enhancements and bug fixes
!!!!MRM completely reworked and now available to all users
*Improved responsiveness of the UI
*Introduced new concept of Job Route (one or more Customer Jobs that originate from the same Depot and need to be fulfilled sequentially by the same vehicle)
*Scheduling and planning not restricted to 24 time windows
!!!!MZone API enhancements
*Additional methods to read events
*Extended information for MIL, VIN, Accident and Accident data events
*Decoded DTC events
*Driver scoring available from Driver Rating Platform
This release of ~MZone is accompanied by the official release of ~MZone 5, the next generation of ~MZone.
Read more about the Next Generation of ~MZone [[here|MZone - Next Generation]].
Vehicle Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) feature introduce new report to Reports > Vehicle Reports section. What this report will render is a history of all reported DTCs error codes over the selected date range based on specific vehicle. So you need to select appropriate vehicle group where your vehicle is locate, then select vehicle and date range. Once this is completed you are ready to go, press View or View in new window.
Rendered report will have list of DTCs error codes where each DTC will have alphanumeric error code, description and date timestamp.
Vehicle Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) feature introduce new report to Reports > Vehicle Group Reports section.
What this report will render is a last known DTC per vehicle on base on selected Vehicle Group. So you need to select appropriate vehicle group over which this report will be running . Once this is completed you are ready to go, press View or View in new window.
Rendered report will have last known DTC for each individual vehicle that have one. Data presented are Vehicle name, DTC error code if any, DTC date timestamp. Vehicles that don't have any DTC error code reported so far will respectively have the last two fields empty.
MZone reports give the user the proper management tools to reduce operational and maintenance costs, as well as improve operational efficiencies. Over 50 reports are currently available.
*[[Viewing a Report|Viewing a Report [Quick Start] ]]
*[[Scheduling a Report|Scheduling a Report [Quick Start] ]]
Some reports require certain events and/or accessories in order for the reports to populate correctly. Each reported selected on our MZone 5 platform contains a description and its requirements.
Reports that are most commonly used for vehicles and events are:
*Driver Activity Summary
*Driver Exception Detail
*Driver Rating
*Driver Rating (Simplified)
*Driver Rating Summary
*Driver Rating Trend
*Driver Trip Detail
A typical report will, like the Driver Rating Report will display as follows:
[img[Driver Rating Report|images/usermanual/driverratingreport.png]]
Some reports require certain events and/or accessories in order for the reports to populate correctly. Each reported selected on our MZone 5 platform contains a description and its requirements.
Reports that are most commonly used for Fuel and Places are:
*Fuel Consumption Detail
*Fuel Entry Detail
*Place Vehicle Entry/Exit
*POI Analysis per Vehicle
*Vehicle Place Entry/Exit
*Fuel Consumption Summary
*Fuel Consumption Trends
*Fuel Entry Summary
*POI Activity
*POI Duration Summary
A typical report will, like the Fuel Consumption Trends Report will display as follows:
[img[Fuel Consumption Trend Report|images/usermanual/fuelconsumptiontrendsreport.png]]
Some reports require certain events and/or accessories in order for the reports to populate correctly. Each reported selected on our MZone 5 platform contains a description and its requirements.
Reports that are most commonly used for vehicles and events are:
*Vehicle Event Detail
*Vehicle Management
*Vehicle Trip overview
*Daily Tachograph
*Vehicle Alert detail
*Vehicle Exception Detail
*Vehicle Activity Summary
*Vehicle Exception Summary
*Vehicle Utilization (Simplified)
*Vehicle Trip Summary
A typical report will, like the Daily Tachograph Report will display as follows:
[img[Daily Tachograph Report|images/usermanual/dailytachographreport.png]]
*[[ Reports > Vehicle > DTC History | Reports > Vehicle > DTC History ]]
*[[ Reports > Vehicle Group > Last known DTC | Reports > Vehicle Group > Last known DTC ]]
MZone has several built-in roles with different user interface access restrictions:
*Maintenance User
*Mapping User
*Reporting User
*User Group Administrator
Maintenance User has access to following User Interface sections:
*Maintenance without MRM
Mapping User has access to following User Interface sections:
*Workspace without Facilities
Operator has access to following User Interface sections:
*Inbox without Messages
*Maintenance MRM and Rules Engine only
*Workspace without Dispatcher, Facilities and Unit Controller
Reporting User has access to following User Interface sections:
User Group Administrator has full access to all User Interface sections.
It is possible to create custom roles with custom MZone 5 User Interface restrictions.
Video demonstrating the ability to customize the MZone 5 UI using features and roles:
Once, security groups have been defined, roles will then control what functions/features the user is able to access.
In summary:
*Security Groups control what entities the user is able to view
*Roles control what features the user is able to access on the viewable entities.
[img[Role Editor|images/usermanual/roleeditor.jpeg]]
[img[Role Editor|images/usermanual/roleeditorfeatures.jpeg]]
[img[Role Editor|images/usermanual/roleeditorusers.jpeg]]
In Part IV of the MZone 5 Manual we will focus on the Rules Engine feature on MZone. The Rules Engine on MZone is a notification system which works in conjunction with Places/Geofences. The rules engine tracks all movements of vehicles in and out of the nominated places and sends out a notification (via E-mail, Web Alert or Custom Event when triggered). This feature is available depending on the subscription you have, please consult your local administrator for further details.
[img[Maintenance Rules Engine|images/usermanual/maintenancerulesengine.png]]
The rules engine extends to the MRM module and is therefore divided into 2 broad types of notification namely:
*Security Notifications (Clients not using MRM)
*MRM based notifications (Clients using MRM)
Clients using MRM, please refer to the MRM manual for further MRM specific details, however the explanations that follow on using the Rules Engine will apply to both MRM and non-MRM clients.
The Rules Engine section comprises the following options:
[img[Maintenance Rules Engine|images/usermanual/maintenancerulesengine.jpeg]]
The rules engine is created as follows:
#A Rule is created (this specifies the criteria for the notification is to generate)
#An Action is created (If the Rule becomes true an action follows)
#Once a Rule and an Action is linked then an Assignment is saved with its nominated Vehicle Group.
Note: One action can be assigned to multiple Rules but only one Action per Rule.
*[[Rules|Rules [User Manual] ]]
*[[Actions|Actions [User Manual] ]]
*[[Assignments|Assignments [User Manual Fuel & Places] ]]
*[[Notifications|Notifications [User Manual Fuel & Places] ]]
The Rules are created as follows:
Under Rule Type the distinction between MRM and non-MRM rules are created, for the purpose of this exercise a Security rule creation is shown below.
[img[Rule Editor|images/usermanual/ruleeditor.jpeg]]
Scheduling a report allows a user to have reports automatically sent from our MZone 5 platform to any designation email address at a predetermined interval.
[img[Scheduling a Report|images/quickstart/reportscheduler.png]]
Once scheduled, the reports tab will show a list of reports that are currently scheduled. From here you are able to edit or remove the report as needed.
[img[Scheduled Reports|images/quickstart/scheduledreports.png]]
Security Groups are central to the user access hierarchy as this limits the user to which entities he/she is able to access and view on MZone. Such entities include:
*Vehicle Groups
*Driver Groups
*Customer Groups (MRM only)
*Depot Groups (MRM only)
[img[Security Maintenance|images/usermanual/maintenancesecurity.jpeg]]
[img[Security Groups|images/usermanual/maintenancesecuritygroups.jpeg]]
[img[Security Group Editor|images/usermanual/securitygroupeditor.jpeg]]
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This time profile is generic and is created mainly for MRM entities such as Customers and Depots. Other sections include Rules Engine. These time profiles are created like any other time profiles within MZone as follows:
[img[Time Profile Editor|images/usermanual/timeprofileeditor.jpeg]]
Our MZone platform supports multiple languages, if the language you need is not available, you are able to contribute to our language sets (new or current). All translations that are being contributed will be available for all users within the platform. The translation section under maintenance is shown as follows:
Adding a new Translation set can be done by clicking on the “Add Translation” button as shown above.The first option is to firstly set your language source as shown below.
[img[Language Phrases|images/usermanual/languagephrases.jpeg]]
Once your language set is selected the following can then be translated. Please note you will need access to this section if you are doing translation. If the language selection is blank, then please advise your local administrator for further assistance.
User Groups can be created to separate customers entirely; this is an administrative function and should only be done by Group Administrators. If you are not a Group Administrator then please consult one for further details. The creation process is however detailed below.
[img[User Group Editor|images/usermanual/usergroupeditor.jpeg]]
[img[User Group Editor|images/usermanual/usergroupeditormodules.jpeg]]
[img[User Group Editor|images/usermanual/usergroupeditoradmin.jpeg]]
[img[User Group Editor|images/usermanual/usergroupeditorcustomer.jpeg]]
[img[User Group Editor|images/usermanual/usergroupeditorrules.jpeg]]
* [[Role and Feature based access restrictions|Role and Feature based access restrictions]]
* [[Duplicating Map outside MZone 5|Duplicating Map outside MZone 5]]
*[[Vehicles & Events & Inbox|Vehicles & Events & Inbox [User Manual] ]]
*[[Fuel & Places|Fuel & Places [User Manual] ]]
*[[Users & User Groups|Users & User Groups [User Manual] ]]
*[[Rules & Actions|Rules & Actions [User Manual] ]]
*[[Drivers & Misc|Drivers & Misc[User Manual] ]]
*[[Workspace|Workspace[User Manual] ]]
*[[ Reports | Reports [User Manual] ]]
User Manual is also available in PDF and Microsoft Word formats:
*PDF at http://sdrv.ms/1aimZOG
*Word at http://sdrv.ms/1ain3xS
In Part III of the MZone 5 Manual we will detail the different levels of access that can be given to users within the MZone platform by using Security Groups and Roles. Starting with Users, each user is assigned to their respective Roles and security groups as needed.
*[[Users|Users [User Manual] ]]
*[[User Groups|User Groups [User Manual] ]]
*[[Exchange Accounts|Exchange Accounts [User Manual] ]]
*[[Security Groups|Security Groups [User Manual ] ]]
*[[Roles|Roles [User Manual ] ]]
*[[FAQ|FAQ [User Manual Users & User Groups] ]]
Users can be created under the maintenance section, Users as shown below.
Note: Users cannot be deleted for security purposes in which user auditing will be implemented in future releases of MZone 5.
[img[User Editor|images/usermanual/usereditor.jpeg]]
[img[User Editor|images/usermanual/usereditorcontacts.jpeg]]
[img[User Editor|images/usermanual/usereditortimezone.jpeg]]
[img[User Editor|images/usermanual/usereditorlogin.jpeg]]
[img[User Editor|images/usermanual/usereditorroles.jpeg]]
[img[User Editor|images/usermanual/usereditorgroups.jpeg]]
[img[User Editor|images/usermanual/usereditormap.jpeg]]
Note: Roles and Security Groups may need to be created first before the user can be assigned correctly. It is therefore advised that the Roles and Security groups be created before adding a user as this will simplify the process. Please view section 2& 3 on the creating these groups.
Each event received on our MZone 5 platform can be edited and set as a High/Low Alert. These customizations are vehicle specific and will only apply to the nominated vehicle. If global change is required please view section 2 below.
[img[Vehicle Event Type Editor|images/usermanual/vehicleeventtypeeditor.png]]
Geofence Status windows allow you to view the download progress of Geofences that have been set for download to their respective vehicle as seen in 1 – 6 below.
[img[Geofence Status|images/usermanual/geofencestatus.png]]
The histories of previous downloads can also been seen, as shown below.
[img[Geofence Status|images/usermanual/geofencestatushistory.png]]
Vehicle groups allow vehicles to be segregated into their respective functions or operational groups. Such groups when created are later used to filter which users have access to these groupings. By default, existing Vehicle Groups are shown when the ‘Vehicle Group” section is selected a shown below.
[img[Vehicle Groups|images/usermanual/vehiclegroups.png]]
When adding a Vehicle Group, we will again simply complete the editor as shown below.
[img[Vehicle Group Editor|images/usermanual/vehiclegroupeditor.png]]
Vehicle shares are only normally used by Group administrators, vehicle sharing allows a user to create a unique key of the vehicle and allows him/her to the share the vehicles data with another group. The unique key can only be used once, so multiple unique keys will need to be generated if the same vehicle is to be shared in multiple user groups.
[img[Vehicle Share Editor|images/usermanual/vehicleshareeditor.png]]
The vehicle status section allows a complete view of any vehicles and its service history. All vehicles that are:
#Due for a service
#Currently in for a service
#Missed Services
#No services scheduled
#Completed Services
[img[Vehicle Status Editor|images/usermanual/vehiclestatuseditor.png]]
When adding a new service entry an editor will be presented as follows:
*In A, the scheduled dates are required so our platform is able to notify you when services are due based on the vehicles notification settings. (Please view section 1. Adding a vehicle, for notification time setup.)
*In B, the actual readings can then be populated when the vehicle enters for the service. (Note: vehicles in for a service are not considered for MRM)
Time Profiles are assigned on a per vehicle basis; this allows our platform to monitor if vehicles are indeed operating within their time profile assigned. This can be viewed in reports.
[img[Vehicle Time Profile Editor|images/usermanual/vehicletimeprofileeditor.png]]
Vehicle Types are used on the per vehicle basis; this allows specific vehicle specifications data to be associated. These types once created can be used for similar types of vehicles that are being added to MZone 5.
[img[Vehicle Type Editor|images/usermanual/vehicletypeeditor.png]]
Points 1 – 8 are vehicle specifications directly from the vehicle manufacturer (note: this data is not used elsewhere in the platform but merely for data capturing purposes)
Point 9, this field when set, indicates to the user when the vehicle has exceeded its last reported time to the MZone 5 platform. This is seen in ‘Workspace’ where the corresponding vehicle’s last reported timestamp will indicate RED.
When selecting the add vehicle option, an editor is presented there all vehicle information is captured and settings configured. In the general tab the basic information of the vehicle is captured and illustrated below.
[img[Vehicle Editor|images/usermanual/vehicleeditor.png]]
Under the settings tab, we enter the respective dates for the vehicle concerned in 1 below, where the
Purchase Date = Date when vehicle was purchased
Start Date = Date when the vehicle is loaded onto the MZ5 platform /Active on the platform
End Date = Date when the vehicle is no longer used/Active on the MZ5 platform (Leave blank if vehicle is active indefinitely)
COF Date = Certificate of Fitness Date, a date where the license is due for renewal.
[img[Vehicle Editor|images/usermanual/vehicleeditorsettings.png]]
In point 2, we are able to define when the platform will notify the user when:
**Maintenance is due by date
**Odometer limit before its reached
**Engine Hours before its reached
Note: the actual limits above are defined in the Vehicle Status section.
Once setup the user needs to subscribe to these notification before they are able to receive them.
The Fuel Checkbox, if selected enables the use of the Fuel Batch functionality. Please view Part II for further details on this.
In the Vehicle Group tab, we are able to assign the vehicle to Group/Groups in MZone 5. By default all vehicles belong to the ‘All Vehicles’ group.
[img[Vehicle Editor|images/usermanual/vehicleeditorgroups.png]]
In the accessories tab, we are able to define custom descriptions for various generic I/O and temperature sensors. This will ensure easier understanding as the custom description will be used throughout the MZone 5 platform for referencing purposes.
[img[Vehicle Editor|images/usermanual/vehicleeditoraccessories.png]]
Then finally in the Rules tab, we are able to define specific rules for this vehicle, as these rules are related to MRM and the rules engine please refer to Part V of the manual for further details.
[img[Vehicle Editor|images/usermanual/vehicleeditorrules.png]]
In Part I of the MZone 5 Manual we will focus only on Vehicles and Events and how they are setup on our platform. We will also detail the reports that are available for these two types of entities.
*[[Vehicles|Vehicles [User Manual] ]]
*[[Events|Events [User Manual] ]]
*[[Inbox|Inbox [User Manual] ]]
*[[Reports|Reports [User Manual Vehicles & Events] ]]
*[[FAQ|FAQ [User Manual Vehicles & Events] ]]
[img[Vehicles Section|images/usermanual/maintenancevehicles.png]]
Under the Maintenace section, the vehicles section as highlighted above indicates all the sections that we can setup that is related to vehicles and its function. Starting with vehicles the existing vehicles are listed as shown below.
[img[Vehicle Maintenance|images/usermanual/maintenancevehiclesvehicles.png]]
*[[Vehicle|Vehicle [User Manual] ]]
*[[Vehicle Group|Vehicle Group [User Manual] ]]
*[[Vehicle Type|Vehicle Type [User Manual] ]]
*[[Vehicle Time Profile|Vehicle Time Profile [User Manual] ]]
*[[Vehicle Share|Vehicle Share [User Manual] ]]
*[[Vehicle Event Type|Vehicle Event Type [User Manual] ]]
*[[Vehicle Status|Vehicle Status [User Manual] ]]
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Once drawn a typical MZone report will look as follows:
[img[Opening a Report|images/quickstart/report.png]]
MZone 5 DTC feature present an opportunity to inspect reported vehicle Diagnostic Trouble Codes. Functionality is available under Workspace > Vehicles > DTC tab.
Any data will be available only in case on MIL event reporting. Each DTC code will have error code something like "P0010", error code description if available, error code category (one of the enumeration Body, Powertrain, Chassis or Network), and date time timestamp of the reported event.
The Workspace is the main screen for viewing all fleet related data well as access of this data represented on all map types (service package dependent).
*[[Mapping & Map Controls|Mapping & Map Controls [Quick Start] ]]
*[[Plotting Entities onto a Map|Plotting Entities onto a Map [Quick Start] ]]
*[[Entities (Vehicles & Places)|Entities (Vehicles & Places) [Quick Start] ]]
*[[ Workspace > Vehicles > DTC Tab | Workspace > Vehicles > DTC Tab ]]